Ajman Bank Power Gold Credit Card is a reward card. Using this card on any purchase will earn reward points, and these points can be later used to dine, shop, or entertain yourself. It also offers cash withdrawal from the available credit limit making it a convenient card to have.
- 100% cash withdrawal of the credit limit.
- Earn 1 Power Points for every AED 10 spent on all purchases
- Check and redeem reward points on the Ajmal rewards portal
- Monthly Fee applicable
- New card customers get Credit Shield Takaful free for the first 60 days of card issuance
- With Priceless Arabia get benefits of dining, shopping, entertainment, sports, travel & attractions
Fees and Charges:
- Supplementary Card Annual Fee: First 2 cards are free, then AED 50 per annum/card
- Late Payment Fee: AED 125
- Over limit Fee: AED 125
- Cash Advance Fee: AED 150