In the fast-moving world of blooming development and upgraded lifestyle, everyone has a common and unavoidable acquaintance in their lives called money. Money has become an integral part of our lifestyle. When everything costs money these days, it becomes challenging to save it. 

Budgeting is the only way to make sure that you don’t spend more than you bring in. It also assists you to make the best of what you already have. Making a budget can be quite confusing so here are the top ten best budgeting apps, that will make sure that you will never have to come into debt.


If you want to keep an eye on daily money-related activities, this is the first go-to App. Down below are features offered by Mint.

  • The application itself is free of cost, which becomes handy for everyday consumers. 
  • It has an insights feature to track all your finances. 
  • It can track multiple credit cards, along with payment of monthly bills and managing your debt. 
  • Your banking activity can easily be put together with a simple login. 
  • The security system is top-notch leaving no flicker of the doubt for any frauds. 


Want to track every penny of your hard-earned income? Then download your PocketGaurd right now. This is a simple app, which will prevent you from overspending your money. Following are what makes PocketGaurd a good choice.

  • It has a simple yet elegant graphic style, that will make you an instant fan.
  • You can set up spending limits in the App, so that you enjoy your money, but also be conscious about it. 
  • It sends you a notification whenever your daily or monthly spending limit is reached.
  • It has a great ability to integrate your bank account and you can also customize your budget and set goals accordingly.  


You must have heard about the old income segregation method of saving money. During those days, they divided their income into different envelopes, each of them for a certain purpose. Goodbudget is the digitalized version of that system. Here is what it offers.

  • It allows you to split your funds and save them for different occasions. 
  • It offers a shared household budget. This way, you can sync your budget with friends and family. 
  • The App is free to download, but it also has a paid version if you want more features.
  • The App is continuously enhanced, providing you with a better version of itself every other day.


If you are looking for a guide that could help you with everything related to investing your finance? With a subscription to Stash, you will not have to worry about anything regarding investment. Down below are what the App offers.

  • It can show you how you can put in your money in industries without buying an entire share. 
  • Even with a couple of bucks, you can be set up on the road to huge success in investment. 
  • The App has several different features to buy that help you with your target requirements. 


Marriage means sharing everything, including your finance as well. When it comes to sharing your finances and expenses with your other half, Honeydue provides a safe and transparent platform. Here is how it can help.

  • You can communicate with each other using an in-built chat tool instead of ringing every time. 
  • You can decide whether you want to take an equal share in every expense or not. 
  • The free app can help you to create a joint bank account and has information from over 20,000 financial institutes.


If you are looking for an app best for saving and investing, Digit is a great option. Down below are some of the features of this App.

  • It makes it easy to handle your finances without much aggravation. 
  • It offers the task of custom making your budget for every single day, according to your requirements. 
  • This App has a free trial period of 30 days after which you have to pay to use it. 
  • It is really easy to navigate through this app, to your way to saving your money.

YNAB (You Need a Budget)

What makes YNAB different is that it teaches you to manage your money and provides you with a suggestion to save it. Following are some of its features.

  • It reminds you to pay your bills, in case you forget about it. 
  • This app makes sure that you pay your debts and ensures that you never have any more debts. 
  • It’s free to download the app that manages your finance smartly and efficiently.

Personal Capital

Want to learn about wealth management and use the information for better investments? Use Personal Capital to manage everything along with your everyday spending accounts. Have a look at what this app excels in.

  • It is integrated with more than 14,000 financial institutions which makes it easier to sync your bank account.
  • It tracks your spending and creates a monthly budget. 
  • It tracks your portfolio and detects whether you are on your path to meet your investment goals.


This app uses a zero-based budget method, which makes the saying “every penny count”, absolutely true.

Here are some of its features.

  • It comes with a monthly tracker, which allows connecting your bank account to import transactions. 
  • The splitting of your expenses with multiple budgets is also possible with this application. 
  • You can connect with money management experts through this platform. 
  • It also provides you with a trial period of the premium version to experience it before paying.


To make the impossible task of creating a budget and getting a hold on your finances supple, Mvelopes is an excellent choice to opt for. Down below is what the app has to offer.

  • It follows a segregation system of saving and management. 
  • It offers real-time budgeting. 
  • It easily syncs in with your bank. 
  • Offers flexibility to use on any electronic device. 


There can be many different ways in which you can create your budget and manage money. These apps make your task easier and more effective. Each app has its own sets of features and services to offer and it is up to you to decide which one is the best. 

While searching for the perfect budgeting app, you have to make sure that your personal information is not exposed. The above-mentioned apps are all secured so you can download any one of them without hesitation. Try out an app today and you will be impressed by the amount of help it offers.


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