Money is something that is an essential part of our life. There is nothing we could do without money, and the best feeling is when you know you have enough saved in case of an emergency. Saving your money is as important as earning it. It is more important than making because saving ensures your growth.

Saving money is a vital step towards success and is a part of almost every productive person. Nevertheless, it is not easy and requires a lot of patience and restraint on one’s spending. But where there is a will there is a way and by reading this guide, you have cleared the first step.

Here we have listed down basic steps that you need to consider while saving money. If you just follow them, they will prove to be a great start to your future money managing plan.

Record your Expenditure

The first step to saving money is to know where your money is being spent. It is crucial to track your expenditures because then you can differentiate between the essentials and non-essentials. A lot of people fail in saving money because they spend it on unnecessary items. 

By keeping a record of your expenditures, you get to know where you are spending more and what all you can cut off. Items like rent and bills are fixed, while groceries and other kinds of stuff can be variable, so you can adjust them accordingly. 

Set a Budget

Once you know your money’s different directions, you can set limits on certain items. For example, you can calculate a budget for your weekly groceries and try not to exceed them. You can also set limits on other monthly expenditures and try following that budget strictly.

When you follow your budget correctly, you will notice a drastic change in your savings to help you stay motivated. It will also help you cut down on unnecessary expenditures. 

Every Penny Counts

Staying on your budget is often challenging, especially when there are a lot of temptations out there. We might come across attractive offers and end up buying things that we don’t require. We sometimes spend on an item just because it cost less, but these small expenditures add up over time and become significant spending. 

Just as small expenditures add up to develop a large sum, saving small amounts can also help you in the long run. You will be surprised to know that you could save so much by cutting back on so little. That is why keeping a record and setting a budget are indispensable. 

Set Goals

Having goals to reach can be a great motivation to save money. They help us stay conscious of our spending and remind us why we’re doing it. When you have a goal in your mind, like buying a car or a house, you become aware and spend less money.

Divide your goals into two categories as short term and long-term goals. The short term can include smaller goals such as saving for a wedding, a car, or a vacation. Long-term goals may comprise larger ones such as saving for retirement or buying a property. 

Saving only for bigger goals can be tedious as they take a long amount of time to be full filled and can make us run out of motivation. While having short-term goals can act as a reward once we reach them to stay motivated and focused.   


If you have any remaining debts to be paid, then focus on paying them first. Debts such as a loan can gradually increase and become an enormous burden. Clearing of your debt comes foremost saving. It does not matter if at the end of the month you cannot save a lot, at least your debts can be cleared.

You can manage your expenditures and fix a certain amount that you have to pay for debts. The rest of the money left can then be directed to saving. The most common reason why some people cannot save a lot for a longer time is that they keep building their debts. That is why clearing off your debts is an essential step towards long-term saving.  

Savings Account

An account dedicated only to saving your money is a must. Open an account just for the sake of saving money and use it only in case of emergency. Banks nowadays offer automated transfer, which automatically transfers a fixed amount of money from your salary account to your savings account.

This helps you focus on the money left with you and save yourself from temptation to overspend. You can choose how much money to save per month after calculating all your essential expenditures. 


Investing is a great option to consider if you want your money to grow over time. There are many options to check out that deal with investing, but not all of them can be safe. It is also crucial that you weigh everything first before investing your money anywhere.

Although a savings account does provide you with interest, it is generally very low. Other tools that you could consider are CDs, IRAs, mutual funds, or the stock market.

Certificate of Deposit (CD) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) are backed by the government and are a safer option to consider. They keep your money for a certain fixed amount of time with a comparatively higher interest rate. The drawback of such a deposit is that you cannot access your cash before the set time. However, you can adjust the time limit and fix a shorter period for short-term goals and a longer for long-term goals. 

Stocks are becoming popular these days as they can multiply your account by a lot. It, however, is not a very safe option to consider as you can lose your money or even a larger amount than the one you invested.

These were the basic steps that you can ponder upon with savings in mind. Remember, it is never too late or early to start saving money, and the only right time is now. It doesn’t matter if your income is high or low. The best thing about saving is that you can start from anywhere. 

Saving is a vital key to the success and fulfillment of your dreams. Get started immediately by keeping the above steps in mind and watching your money grow.


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